The Franklin Special District upgraded its school-to-home communication platform to ParentSquare, a simple-to-use communication hub that offers families many ways to receive information from the district and their children’s schools—all in one place.
Over the summer, the Franklin Special District changed how it communicates with families. “We are excited to upgrade our communication platform to ParentSquare,” said FSD Communications Specialist Susannah Gentry. “ParentSquare is simple to use and offers families so many ways to receive information from the district and their child’s school – or schools if they have children in multiple locations.”
The district was looking for more of a communication hub, a platform where all district and school communication can be located, helping ensure parents have the opportunity to actively participate in their children’s education. ParentSquare is now available for staff and parents to use on their computers or mobile devices.
By unifying multiple tools into one communications app and service, ParentSquare provides a seamless experience for parents and staff. Parents will be able to keep track of news, activities, and events from all their children’s schools in one place.
“We hope that ParentSquare’s intuitive platform will enable greater communication and family involvement," Gentry said. "Now, parents can easily update their contact information and choose whether they would prefer to receive messages by email, text, or through the free ParentSquare app."
Parents were emailed over the summer with a link, but they can also register on the free mobile app or by going to and signing up using the phone or email address associated with their child’s school registration. Once registered, parents can set notification and language preferences by clicking on their name at the top of the page.