Schools Welcome Families for Kindergarten Kickoff April 12

image with words kindergarten kickoff qnd a pencil graphic
Susannah Gentry

FSSD Kindergarten Kickoff is set for April 12 at all FSSD elementary schools. It is a fun opportunity to drop in anytime between 9:00-3:00 (8:00-2:00 at Poplar Grove) with your future kindergartner to hear more about the school, take a tour, turn in registration materials, and sign up for a screening date.

All rising kindergarteners and their parents are invited to their zoned school for the annual Kindergarten Kickoff. This is a fun opportunity to drop in with your future kindergartner to hear more about the school, take a tour, turn in registration materials, and sign up for a screening date. Rising kindergartners must be at least 5 years old on or before August 15 to enroll.

What Should You Bring?

Families may upload required documents during online registration, bring them to Kindergarten Kickoff, or submit them in person at their child’s school prior to the first day.

Required documents include:

Birth Certificate: Required to verify name and age. A passport is also acceptable.

One Proof of Residency: Parents must show one form for proof of residency in the FSSD, with their name and current address on the document. These documents must reflect a billing date no earlier than January 2024. If residing with another family, the primary homeowner must ALSO fill out an FSSD Residency Affidavit (notarized) and provide a copy of his/her photo identification.

Immunization Record and Proof of Physical Exam: Tennessee requires a Department of Health “Official Immunization Certificate” and a complete physical.

Registration may be completed online any time before Kindergarten Kickoff; however, if enrolling families do not have computer access or need assistance, computers will be available at the school for those who need technical or translation assistance.