Title I Information
Johnson Elementary School is a Title I school. Because of our Title I status, we share certain information to help our stakeholders remain informed about our school.
JES School-Parent Compact, English
JES School-Parent Compact, Spanish
Title I FAQs
What is a Title I school?
- Title I was passed in 1965 under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). It is the largest federal assistance program for our nation’s schools. It was reauthorized in 2015 as ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act).
- Title I schools receive extra funding from the federal government. These dollars are used to:
- identify students experiencing academic difficulties and provide assistance to help these students;
- purchase additional staff, programs, materials, and/or supplies;
- conduct parent and family engagement meetings, trainings, events, and/or activities.
- identify students experiencing academic difficulties and provide assistance to help these students;
Why are we here?
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires that each Title I school hold an annual meeting of Title I families in order to:
- inform you of your school’s participation in Title I,
- explain the requirements of Title I, and
- explain your rights as parents and family members to be involved.
How can we use Title 1 Funds?
In general, Title I funds may be used for:
- smaller class sizes,
- additional teachers and paraprofessionals,
- additional training for school staff,
- extra time for instruction (before and/or after school programs),
- parent and family engagement activities, and/or
- a variety of supplemental teaching materials, equipment, and technology.
What are my rights?
The families and parents of Title I students have a right, by law, to:
- be involved in decisions made at both the school and district level;
- be provided with information on your child’s level of achievement on tests in reading/language arts, writing, mathematics, and science;
- request and receive information on the qualifications of your child’s teacher and paraprofessionals who are working with your child, request opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions about the education of your child. The school is required to respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicably possible.
How does our school use Title I funds?
In 2023-2024, our school was allotted approximately $44,852.78 in Title I funding.
We developed a Schoolwide Program, which means we plan to spend our funds on the following:
- Supplemental staff:
- Title 1 Math Interventionist Paraprofessional
- Part Time Special Education Paraprofessional
- Title 1 Math Interventionist Paraprofessional
- Programs/Materials/Supplies:
- Positive Behavior Support
- High Quality Instructional Resources for Teachers
- Teacher Professional Development:
- Professional Learning Communities Institute
What is the School Improvement Plan?
The SIP includes:
- the identification of the school planning team and how they will be engaged in the planning process;
- a needs assessment and summary of academic and non-academic data;
- prioritized goals, strategies, and action steps to help address the academic and non-academic needs of students;
- teacher and staff professional development needs; and
- budgets and the coordination of resources.
The school must include family representatives on our school planning team.
What are our schoolwide program goals?
- Increased academic achievement in ELA & Math
- Increased support for student social emotional needs
How is parent and family engagement funded?
Any district with a Title I allocation exceeding $500,000 is required by law to set aside 1% of its Title I allocation for parent and family engagement.
Of that 1%, 10% may be reserved at the district for system-wide initiatives related to parent and family engagement. The remaining 90% must be allocated to all Title I schools in the district.
You, as Title I parents and family members, have the right to be involved in how this money is spent.
How does our school use parent and family engagement funds?
In 2023-2024, we have approximately $500 in parent and family engagement funding. We plan to use these funds for:
- Parent and Family Engagement Meeting and Events
- JES Advisory Meetings - First Wednesday of every month (except December and January)
- Academic Night
- Materials/Supplies
- Food for Academic Night
- Materials for Academic Night
What is a Parent and Family Engagement Policy?
These plans address how the district and school will implement the parent and family engagement requirements of ESSA. Components should include:
- how parents and families can be involved in decision-making and activities;
- how parent and family engagement funds are being used;
- how information and training will be provided to families; and
- how the school will build capacity in families and staff for strong parent and family engagement.
- You, as a Title I parent or family member, have the right to be involved in the development of these plans.
Where is the Parent and Family Engagement Policy?
The district Parent and Family Engagement Policy can be found here: www.fssd.org
The school Parent and Family Engagement Policy will be shared annually in our school handbook. In addition, the policy can be found here: http://johnsonelementary.fssd.org/handbook
What is a School-Parent Compact?
A school-parent compact is a written commitment that outlines how the entire school community – teachers, families, and students will share the responsibility for improved academic achievement.
The compact must describe how the school will:
- provide high-quality curriculum and instruction;
- hold parent-teacher conferences, annually in elementary schools;
- provide parents with reports on their child’s progress;
- provide parents reasonable access to staff.
- provide parents opportunities to volunteer; and
- ensure regular two-way meaningful communication between family members and staff, to the extent practicable, in a language family members can understand.
You, as a Title I parent or family member, have the right to be involved in the development of the compact.
When will the School-Parent Compact be available?
The school-parent compact will be shared during your child’s parent teacher conference in October. In addition, the compact can be found on our JES website below :
What curriculum does our school use?
The Tennessee Academic Standards provide a common set of expectations for what students will know and be able to do at the end of a grade for each subject area.
Tennessee's academic standards form the framework for everything taught at Johnson Elementary.
For more information about Tennessee’s academic standards, see:
- https://www.tn.gov/content/tn/education/instruction/academic-standards.html
- https://www.fssd.org/
students-families/curriculum- and-instruction
How can I be involved?
We need you! Research has proven that family engagement in education has more impact on student achievement than any other factor.
To get involved with the SIP, Parent & Family Engagement Policy, or School Parent Compact reach out to Mrs. Baugh at 615-794-4837.
Other ways families can be involved…
- Attend school sponsored events
- Monitoring grades and schoolwork
- Signing up as a volunteer
- Joining PTO ($10 per child)
- Reading school and classroom newsletters
- Staying engaged through social media with our
- Instagram Accounts
School-Parent Compact
What is a School-Parent Compact?
A school-parent compact is an agreement that parents, students, and teachers develop together. It explains how parents and teachers will work in partnership to make sure all students get the individual support they need to reach and exceed grade-level standards.
Effective Compacts:
- Link goals in the School Improvement Plan;
- Focus on student learning skills;
- Describe how teachers will help students develop their skills using high-quality instruction;
- Share strategies that families can use at home; and
- Explain how teachers and families will communicate about student progress.
Jointly Developed
Families, students, and the teachers and administrators at Johnson Elementary developed this School-Parent Compact together. Each group contributed ideas about how to best support students at school and at home, as well as the methods used for ongoing communication. Families are welcome to share comments and suggestions at any time. If you have something to contribute concerning this School-Parent Compact, please contact: Mrs. Tosha Baugh, JES principal, at 615-794-4837 or robinsonbaughtos@fssd.org.
Building Partnerships
Ways to Connect:
- Parent partnerships--Teachers and parents collaborate during our parent-teacher conferences to discuss the progress of your child.
- Family Nights--Enjoy game time with your child, exploring free home learning ideas to help support your child's learning goals.
- PTO Events--Join us for the many events hosted by our school PTO and forge connections and friendships with others at JES.
Communication about Student Learning
Johnson Elementary is a place of learning for all students. Children are loved and cared for by every person in the building. Johnson is not only a school, but a family. We believe that relationships and strong communication are foundational to our mission. Some ways you can expect us to reach you are:
- Regular notes or phone calls
- Weekly homework folders
- Automated phone messages
- Parent-Teacher conferences
- Updated webpage
Follow us on social media:
- facebook.com/johnsonelem
- @fssdJES
- @johnson_elem_PTO
Do you have questions about your child's progress?
Contact your child's teacher by email or by calling the school at 615-794-4837 and we will be sure to get a message to them. All email addresses are listed on our school website at johnsonelementary.fssd.org.
Our Goals for Student Achievement
District Goals
The 2024-20245District Improvement Plan includes goals in the following areas:
- Increase academic achievement and growth in Reading/Language Arts
- Support students' well-being
- Supporting EL students
- Leadership development
- Supporting students with disabilities
School Goals
The 2024-2025 JES School Improvement Plan includes goals in the following areas:
- Increasing academic achievement and growth in Reading/Language Arts for all students
- Increasing academic achievement and growth in Mathematics for all students
- Supporting students' well-being
Teachers, families, students--Together for Success
In the Classroom
Teachers will work with students and families to support the success of the whole child while maintaining strong school/home communication. Some of our key connections with families will include:
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Family Nights
- PTO Events
- Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS)
- Weekly classroom newsletters
- Quarterly school newsletters
- Updates and important news through Blackboard Connect phone calls, text messages, and emails
- Updated and well-maintained website
- Social media to engage and inform
At Home
Johnson Elementary families have joined staff to develop ideas about how families can support student successes. Families added the following ideas to the list:
- Communicate consistently with teachers
- Checking child's backpack and signing daily folder
- Reading regularly at home
- Reinforcing math concepts at home
- Discussing the day's activities with your child
Johnson Elementary students joined staff and families to develop ideas about how they can success in school and challenge themselves in math and reading. Students thought of the following ideas to make connections between learning at home and at school:
- Do your homework
- Practice ROAR behavior at home
- Teach your parents something new you learned at school
Parent & Family Engagement Policy
JES School Parent and Family Engagement Policy
School Parent and Family Engagement Policy Johnson Elementary
Revision Date 09/04/2024
In support of strengthening student academic achievement, Johnson Elementary receives Title I, Part A funds and therefore must jointly develop with, agree on with, and distribute to parents and family members of participating children a written parent and family engagement policy that contains information required by section 1116(b) and (c) of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The policy establishes the school’s expectations for parent and family engagement and describes how the school will implement a number of specific parent and family engagement activities, and it is incorporated into the school’s plan submitted to the local educational agency (LEA).
Johnson Elementary agrees to implement the following requirements as outlined by Section 1116:
● Involve families, in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of programs under Title I, Part A, including the planning, review, and improvement of the school parent and family engagement policy and the joint development of the school improvement plan under Section 1114(b) of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
● Update the school parent and family engagement policy periodically to meet the changing needs of families and the school, distribute it to the families of participating children, and make the parent and family engagement policy available to the local community.
● Provide full opportunities, to the extent practicable, for the participation of families with limited English proficiency, families with disabilities, and families of migratory children, including providing information and school reports required under Section 1111 of the ESSA in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request and, to the extent practicable, in a language families understand.
● If the school improvement plan under Section 1114(b) of the ESSA is not satisfactory to the families of participating children, submit any family comments on the plan when the school makes the plan available to the local educational agency.
● Be governed by the following statutory definition of parent and family engagement and will carry out programs, activities, and procedures in accordance with this definition:
Parent and Family Engagement means the participation of families in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring:
A. families play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning;
A. families are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school;
B. families are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child; and
C. other activities are carried out, such as those described in Section 1116 of the ESSA.
Description of how the school will implement required school parent and family engagement policy components:
Johnson Elementary will take the following actions to involve families in an organized, ongoing, and timely manner in the planning, review, and improvement of Title I programs, including opportunities for regular meetings, if requested by families, to formulate suggestions and participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their child and respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicably possible.
Parents are active participants in developing and monitoring our parent involvement plan. All parents have the opportunity to attend all meetings related to Title I, PTO, etc. to provide input.
Johnson Elementary School’s PTO works to build the schools’ and parents’ capacity for stronger parental involvement.
The JES Advisory Council meets monthly to assess, through consultation with parents, the effectiveness of our Family and Community Engagement Plan and determine what action needs to be taken, if any, to increase parental and community participation.
Johnson Elementary will take the following actions to conduct an annual meeting, at a convenient time, and encourage and invite all families of participating children to attend to inform them about the school’s Title I program, the nature of the Title I program, the families’ requirements, the school parent and family engagement policy, the schoolwide plan, and the school-parent compact.
JES will hold our annual Title I meeting before September 15th. We will share the information in person at our meeting and a link to the presentation for parents to view on Parent Square. The presentation slides will be translated into Spanish.
Johnson Elementary will take the following actions to provide families of participating children the following:
● Timely information about the Title I programs
● Flexible number of meetings, such as meetings in the morning or evening, and may provide with Title I funds, transportation, child care or home visits, as such services relate to parent and family engagement.
● Information related to the school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities, is sent to the families of participating children in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request and, to the extent practicable, in a language the families can understand.
The JES School and Parent Engagement Policy will be distributed to families electronically via Parent Square and be available in our front office at any time throughout the school year. Our PTO will also be used to inform families of meeting times and locations. We will also use social media (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook) to inform families of upcoming meeting times, dates and locations.
Johnson Elementary will take the following actions to jointly develop with families of participating children a school-parent compact that outlines how families, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and families will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the state’s high standards.
Johnson Elementary will create a draft version of our School-Parent Compact and present it to the JES Advisory Council for review and feedback. We will meet with the council on September 4, 2024, to discuss any suggestions they provide that will enrich the final version of the compact.
If applicable, Johnson Elementary will take the following actions to involve the families of children served in Title I, Part A schools in decisions about how the 1 percent of Title I, Part A funds reserved for parent and family engagement are spent.
● Although Franklin Special School District is not typically required to set aside 1% of Title I, Part A funds reserved for Parent and Family Engagement, the district chooses to set aside a set amount each year for this purpose.
● The individual schools will provide an annual meeting in the fall to describe the school’s participation in the Title I, Part A program. During this meeting, funds available for family engagement will be reviewed and ideas will be shared and solicited for use of the funds.
Johnson Elementary will, to the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate and integrate parent and family engagement programs and activities with other Federal, State, and local programs, including public preschool programs, and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support families in more fully participating in the education of their children by working with organizations, businesses, and community partners to provide additional support and resources to families such as Gentry’s
Educational Foundation, United Way Raise Your Hand of Williamson, and United 4 Hope.
Johnson Elementary will provide training to educate teachers, specialized instructional support personnel, principals, and other school leaders, and other staff, with the assistance of families, in the value and utility of contributions of families, and in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with families as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between families and the school by:
∙ Involving families in the development of training for teachers, principals, and other educators to improve the effectiveness of that training.
∙ Providing necessary literacy training for families from Title I, Part A funds, if the school district has exhausted all other reasonably available sources of funding for that training.
∙ Paying reasonable and necessary expenses associated with family engagement activities, including transportation and child care costs, to enable families to participate in school-related meetings and training sessions.
∙ Training families to enhance the involvement of other families.
∙ Maximize family engagement and participation in their children’s education,
arranging school meetings at a variety of times or conducting in-home conferences between teachers or other educators who work directly with participating children, with families who are unable to attend those conferences at school.
∙ Adopting and implementing model approaches to improving family engagement. Establishing a district-wide parent advisory council to provide advice on all matters related to parent and family engagement in Title I, Part A programs.
∙ Developing appropriate roles for community-based organizations and businesses,
including faith based organizations, in family engagement activities.
Johnson Elementary will provide other reasonable support for parent and family engagement activities under Section 1116(e) of the ESSEA as families may request by:
● Information regarding content standards, assessments, and student achievement will be sent home by the individual schools. Links to all information will be given to parents and will be posted on the district website.
● Assistance with understanding curriculum standards and academic requirements will be provided to parents at all individual schools during parent orientation, open houses, and family nights. The family nights will focus on literacy, math, coding, STEAM, and science.
● Franklin Special School District will provide school-parent compact templates for each school that provide understanding on topics such as the State’s academic content standards, TCAP and local academic assessments, requirements of ESSA, how to monitor a child’s progress and work with educators to improve student achievement.
● The school will encourage all parents to attend parent-teacher conferences to discuss a child’s achievement progress.
● The FSSD schools will educate school staff in working with parents. Some examples of this training will include the following: (1) how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners; (2) implement and coordinate parent programs; (3) and build ties and foster collaboration between parents and the school.
● School related information on programs, meetings, events, workshops, and other activities will be sent to parents in a format and extent practicable and in a language the parents can understand. ParentSquare messages and social media will be used to provide verbal communication to all families. ParentSquare communications will be available in English and Spanish, and other languages, based on parent’s preferences.
● Parents will be encouraged to be involved in the activities at their child’s school. Monthly newsletters (and calendars for elementary schools) will be sent home with each student to provide updates and details of upcoming activities throughout the school system.
● Franklin Special School District will provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory and homeless students. The schools provide information and school reports in a format and language that parents understand.
● The school system will promote parent involvement and community participation in programs for students receiving ELL services, migrant students, and students receiving special education and related services.